God placed a camera in my hands, and, well, the rest is history.

I was born in New York and was raised in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. I received my first point and shoot camera in the sixth grade. Little did I know that tiny camera would be the catalyst for a life-long passion of mine. I shot anything and everything, from my sweet puppy, the snow on the ground, and my dear middle school friends. I just loved it. I did it for me. It wasn’t until my senior year of high school that God showed me He wanted me to use this gift to serve others. I began taking senior photos for my classmates and my small business, in which I had little faith in, BLOOMED! It's funny how God works.

I am now over four years into the photography business and I could not imagine life any other way. The Lord knows our desires and uses the gifts He has given us for good. No, this isn’t my business. This is my ministry. I want to serve you and love you in a way that reflects Christ.

I am an enneagram type 6w7. I crave intimate relationships, loyalty, and seek the wildest adventures. I will not only be your photographer, but a lifelong friend. God has placed a calling on my life to show you just how beautiful He created you to be. You, my friend, are fearfully and wonderfully made by the God of the universe. And I am here to capture it all! I would love to meet you, hear your vision, and share mine. Let’s be friends, you sweet soul!